

It's time for AFW, which means Amsterdam Fashion Week baby! I can't wait for tonight's shows, kicking off with iNDiViDUALS, followed by The People of the Labyrinths. Are you already following and liking me on Twitter and Facebook? No?! Then you should do that right away. By following me I'll keep y'all updated about the collections I love and at which parties I will dance the night away. Let the shows begin! 

With a fabulous fashion week, a lot of awesome parties are thrown around town as well. I mean, what's a good show without a stylish Kiki? Yes, that's right: not much. So let's sip, shake, twist and turn together and have a ball!

On Thursday there'll be an awesome party in BoCinq named BoTiqueDuring AFW’s Downtown program, BoCinq will provide fashion-loving Amsterdam the ultimate shopping & beauty experience with a special ‘Fashion Fair’; BoTique. Several wellknown fashion stores and brands will set up their stalls to sell a hand picked selection of their collections. Definitely worth checking out! When, where and When? January the 24th, from 5 'till 9 pm, BoCinq, Prinsengracht 494.

Another great stylish afterparty will be there on Friday the 25th of January in our beloved Jimmy Woo. The every-Friday-party BIRDHOUSE mixes up with men's brand Cold Method to throw a bash, with the hosting of and MR ELAN PANCHE, to celebrate their AW13 collection with us. We can't dance without lovely beats, so some great DJ's who know how to burn it up will provide us with swaggy beats. The line up will be Joshua Walter, Jaziah and When Harry Met Sally. I told you so: parté non-stop. We're gonna shake it like a polaroid, set the roof on fire, teach y'all how to dougie and shine bright like a diamond!

See you around town during this issue of Amsterdam Fashion Week. Let's flaunt and gallivant! 

Tweet with me on Twitter & firt with me on Facebook.

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