

For the past 6 days I visited New York for the first time in my life and – GOOD GOD - I love that city to the max. A lot more about that shortly on the blog. Back home in Amsterdam, coming straight from the airport, I rushed myself right into the press view of the new Abercrombie & Fitch store situated in the heart of the city. Welcomed by living greek statued bouncing models wearing no tops we were led in to the world of hysterically scented Abercrombie.

Being asked β€œHey, what's going on?” by all the A&F models, dancy music, dark walls, palm trees, warm and sultry lighting, well-organized glass display cabinets, little mazes and smelling the brand's typical signature scent they succeeded once again in creating a world they know best. Abercrombie & Fitch is big in NYC, but now it's time to hit Amsterdam. The store will open on Thursday the 13th of December at 11 am at the Leidsestraat 32-34 in Amsterdam. It's gonna be big, so be there or be square. Bring it on Abercrombie!

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